Fontzilla's tribute to music...

Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image.

The image is a composite of two stock images. The quote comes from Louis Armstrong and is set in Bernhard Modern.

The upper and lower portions of the image comes from a single stock.exchng image from (flipped and rotated for the bottom portion). The purple section is homemade. The quote comes from Beethoven and is set in Shelly and ITC Legacy Serif.

The image comes from stock.exchng. The quote comes from Berthold Auerbach and is set in Caflisch Script Pro and ITC Legacy Serif.

The main image comes from stock.exchng, but I added the treble clef. The author is unknown, but the quote is set in Bickham Script Pro and Garamond Premier Pro.

The image is a composite of two stock.exchng images. The quote comes from Harlan Howard and is set in Giddyup Std and ITC Legacy Sans.

The main image comes from stock.exchng, with a homegrown background. The quote comes from Plato and is set in Caliban.

The image comes from stock.exchng. The quote comes from Jean Paul and is set in Paternoster AH and Shishoni Brush.

The image is an artistic rendering based on an old photo of Elvis. The quote from Rod Steward is set in Las Vegas Jackpot and Myriad Pro.

The image is an artistic rendering based on an old photo of Elvis. His quote is set in Las Vegas Fabulous and Myriad Pro.

The image comes from stock.exchng (with some minor tweaks). The quote comes from Oliver Wendell Holmes and is set in ITC Grimshaw Hand and Myriad Pro.

The image The quote from Pat Conroy is set in Barmeno BQ.

The is another composite of several images. The sky, musical notes, and bird come from stock.exchng, while the conductor's hands come from I added some effects to the final composition. The quote from Jean Paul is set in Caliban.


© 2002-16 Nancy J. Foster