Fontzilla's tribute to... everything else!

Many of these are older FontPlays and I no longer have the original Photoshop files.
If I didn't specify the font, it's because I haven't had a chance to do a match to figure it out.
Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image.

The photo was stock and begged to be used in a FontPlay.

Don't recall the fonts used, but they were all based on Goudy's beautiful work.

The artwork was created from scratch. Don't know the original author.

The image is one of my favorite Van Gogh paintings. The font, P22's Vincent, is based on the artist's handwriting. I have several fonts based on artists' handwriting.

The first of two tributes to the Columbia.

The second of two tributes to the Columbia.

I recently researched the font used in this one: ITC's Braganza.

Created to celebrate the Tampa Bay Buccaneers winning the Super Bowl XXXVII!

Here's a message of hope from Sarah Ban Breathnach. The photo is from stock.exchng, but manipuated a bit to suit my needs. The quote is set in the ever elegant Bickham Script Pro.

This uses a custom cartoon created with a different punchline for use in my company's newsletters. Looks like a variation of Tekton for the punchline, but I'll have to do some font matching to recall the other one.



© 2002-16 Nancy J. Foster