Fontzilla's tribute to Grannie...
My grandmother, Jeanette Alexander Yates Tyndall,
has since passed away. I wrote this poem
for her birthday back in 1993. It's filled with my favorite memories of her.
I re-set it as a
memorial to her life. The title is set in Caflisch while the body is
set in Mordred. The roses
came from a clip art collection; I used two copies, flipping one, for the border.
© 2002-16 Nancy J. Foster
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Disclaimer: This site is not connected with Toho Co., Ltd., the owners
of a vaguely similar trademark.
The Fontzilla name and reptile-like images on this website are not meant to
imply any connection with or
recommendation by Toho Co., Ltd. Any similarity to Toho Co., Ltd. marks or images
is purely coincidental.
As we understand it, Toho does make some very fine science fiction films, though.